[Bioperl-l] codon useage modules

Richard Adams Richard.Adams at ed.ac.uk
Thu Sep 4 08:18:22 EDT 2003

I've committed 2 modules to the CVS using Heikki's suggested namespace:

Bio::DB::CUTG.pm is for retrieving species specific codon usage tables
from a web database or from
        a local file.
        e.g., my $db = Bio::DB::CUTG->new(-sp => 'Pan troglodytes');
                       $db->write_data(-file ">savetolocalfile")
                           ## get a  Bio::CodonUsage::Table  object:
                           my $cut = $db->next_data();

Bio::CodonUsage::Table .pm provides methods on an  objectified Codon
usage table.

e.g.,                 $cut->aafrequency() - frequency of that aa in
organisms proteins
                        $cut->codon_rel_frequency('CTG') - relative use
of a particular codon
                         $cut->get_coding_gc(1)   - GC content of a
particular codon position

Test script and data also committed.

Any comments welcome!


Dr Richard Adams
Psychiatric Genetics Group,
Medical Genetics,
Molecular Medicine Centre,
Western General Hospital,
Crewe Rd West,
Edinburgh UK

Tel: 44 131 651 1084
richard.adams at ed.ac.uk

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