[Bioperl-l] some not-so-good perl practice in bioperl

Ewan Birney birney at ebi.ac.uk
Mon Dec 22 11:52:56 EST 2003

> You had big boss' support at that time already. My stance on that is
> unchanged: I can't see how auto-loaded getter/setters make the code any
> better or increase coding productivity in any way. Especially once
> you're debugging. If you can't stand individual (uhm - in fact
> auto-generated by emacs lisp macros BTW) getter/setters then use
> auto-loading in your code, but don't be surprised if someone goes in
> and changes it to getter/setters for code clarity and better debugging.

Same here. I think AUTOLOAD should be used v. sparingly. It simply doesn't
help readability, stability or speed.

emacs macros much better ;)

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