[Bioperl-l] BioPerl Installation

Lobvi Matamoros Lobvi.Matamoros at crchul.ulaval.ca
Wed Aug 6 19:02:27 EDT 2003

Hi to every body:

I am trying to install BioPerl (I have already installed ActivePerl 5.8.0 
version with Win2000) everything goes fine downloading a zip file from 
http://bio.perl.org/DIST/bioperl-1.2.2.zip. Unziping the file to a 
directory C:\Perl\ BioPerl 1.2.2 and starting the installation process with 
perl Makefile.pl. After that when I issued the commands make, make test or 
make install I got the following message:

..make is not recognize as an internal or external command, operable 
program or batch file.

What is wrong?

Thanks in advance for your help.

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