[Bioperl-l] extracting data from SCF

Linus Taejoon Kwon linusben@bawi.org
Sat, 4 Nov 2000 13:40:32 +0900

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Disposition: inline

> Hi,
> I'm trying to extract signal intensity from
> Standard Chrommatogram File . Is there a module 
> wich is able to do that ?
> Thanks.
> Olivier.

I announced my SCF module in this mailing list..
It is not finished yet, however, you can extract 
some part of my module to deal with SCF data.

Linus Taejoon Kwon

PS. I cannot understand how to deposit my modules to 
bioperl project yet.. -.-a

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="SCF.pm"

=head1 NAME

Bioinfo::SCF - Modules for SCF(Standard Chromatogram File)


This provides the method to extract the real data from SCF binary format,
and to draw chromatogram graph via GD.

  (example 1) 
  #!/usr/bin/perl -w

  use Bioinfo::SCF;

  my $scf = new Bioinfo::SCF;
  my $scf_file = "./testfile.scf";

  my $pos_list = "3 5 10 14 23 34";
  my $begin = 2;
  my $end = 5;
  my $position = 3;

  print "Content-type: image/png\n\n";
  print $scf->get_chromat_raw(

  (example 2)
  #!/usr/bin/perl -w

  use Bioinfo::SCF;

  my $scf = new Bioinfo::SCF;
  my $scf_file = "./testfile.scf";

  print "TOTAL SAMPLE NUMBER : ", $scf->get_sample, "\n";
  print "CALLED BASE : ", $scf->get_called_base, "\n";
  print "Accuracy of A : ", $scf->get_base_accuracy->{A}, "\n";
  (example 3)
  #!/usr/bin/perl -w

  use Bioinfo::SCF;
  use Bioinfo::Phred::DB;
  use DBI;

  use vars qw($DBH_PHRED);

  my $scf = new Bioinfo::SCF;
  my $phred_db = new Bioinfo::Phred::DB;

  $DBH_PHRED = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:trace_db", "userid", "password");
    	unless $DBH_PHRED;
  my $rv = $phred_db->get_record(-no=>23);
  my $pos_list = $rv->{POS}
  my $begin = 2;
  my $end = 35;
  my $position = 16;
  print "Content-type: image/png\n\n";
  print $scf->get_chromat(


This module is based on scf.pm included on bioperl-0.6.1, made by 
Aaron Mackey and Lincorn Stein. Previous scf.pm is focused on only
for sequence information, so I modified(almost new one) it to use
the entire informations on SCF file.

In addition, this module provides the chromatogram image using
gd library. If you think the java applet viewer is so heavy to 
see some part of SCF file, it will be the better solution.

(example 1) Basic Usage to draw chromatogram

Like any other perl script, you should define the route for perl 
interpriter. -w option is recommended to debug easily.

  #!/usr/bin/perl -w

Define the SCF modules.

  use Bioinfo::SCF;

Construct the instance for this modules, and define the SCF file name.

  my $scf = new Bioinfo::SCF;
  my $scf_file = "./testfile.scf";

If you are willing to use the SCF file directly(not from DBMS), you can
use init_file(FILENAME) method for initiation.


-pos_list means the base-calling position. It can be obtained by "phred" or
any other base-calling programs. If you give this value to get_chromat method,
the chromatogram contains the vertical grids for base-calling position and 
the called-base labeling. If you are working with "phred" data, Bioinfo::Phred
module will help you to get this information via get_info_from_phd1 method.
-begin is the start position of chromatogram, and -end is the end position of that
(negative -end parameter means 'till the end of file').
If you'd like to remark a specific position on chromatogram, you can use -position

  my $pos_list = "3 5 10 14 23 34";
  my $begin = 2;
  my $end = 5;
  my $position = 3;

  print "Content-type: image/png\n\n";
  print $scf->get_chromat_raw(

NOTES: If you want to show this chromatogram to web browser, there are some

 (1) IE(test on ver 5.0 and 5.5) can display "Content-type: image/png" directly. 
 However, NS(test on ver 4.72) cannot. So it will be better to use with HTML 
 wrapper like this:

 print "<HTML><BODY>";
 print "<IMG SRC=\"chromat.cgi\">\n
 print "</BODY></HTML>";

 (2) In general, the whole SCF file generates very large image. Sometimes it 
 causes an error, which does not display any image even though the file is
 recieved (guess it from web browser status). So using -begin and -end parameter,
 it will be better to seperate a large image to several small ones.

(example 2) Basic Usage to get sequence information

 These lines are the same as example 1.

  #!/usr/bin/perl -w

  use Bioinfo::SCF;

  my $scf = new Bioinfo::SCF;
  my $scf_file = "./testfile.scf";


 you can get the total sample number using get_sample method.

  print "TOTAL SAMPLE NUMBER : ", $scf->get_sample, "\n";

 get_called_base method provides the called base sequence.

  print "CALLED BASE : ", $scf->get_called_base, "\n";

 get_base_accuracy method provides the base quality 
(for SCF ver 3.0 or higher).

  print "Accuracy of A : ", $scf->get_base_accuracy->{A}, "\n";

(example 3) Integrated with database

 In this module, the data parsing subroutines for each SCF data field are
seperated. So It can be used with DBMS system to store the SCF trace file
very easily. In this example, I present this with Bioinfo::Phred::DB module,
which can support the "phred" data management with MySQL.

 If you like to use Bioinfo::Phred::DB, you should define $DBH_PHRED to
global variable, and use DBI module.

  #!/usr/bin/perl -w

  use Bioinfo::SCF;
  use Bioinfo::Phred::DB;
  use DBI;

  use vars qw($DBH_PHRED);

 Make the instance for SCF module and Phred::DB module.

  my $scf = new Bioinfo::SCF;
  my $phred_db = new Bioinfo::Phred::DB;

 Connect to the database which has the SCF data. The table specification is
like this:


    NO          INT             NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,

    MARKER      VARCHAR(64)     NOT NULL,


    PRIMER      CHAR(1)         NOT NULL,

    SEQ         TEXT            NOT NULL,

    SCORE       TEXT            NOT NULL,

    POS         TEXT            NOT NULL,



    SCF_BASE_NO INT             NOT NULL,





    SCF_HEADER  BLOB            NOT NULL,

    SCF_SAMPLE  BLOB            NOT NULL,

    SCF_BASE    BLOB            NOT NULL,



    MODIFIED    INT             NOT NULL,



 Values for SCF_* columns are added by SCF module, and the others are
added by other module (ex. Bioinfo::Phred module with .phd.1 or .poly
file after "phred" operation).

  $DBH_PHRED = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:trace_db", "userid", "password");
    	unless $DBH_PHRED;

 Based on NO (serial number of record), you can get pos_list data.

  my $rv = $phred_db->get_record(-no=>23);
  my $pos_list = $rv->{POS}

 init_db method with NO value, you can initiate the $scf instance like
init_file method with SCF file name.


 Other things are the same as example 1.

  my $begin = 2;
  my $end = 35;
  my $position = 16;
  print "Content-type: image/png\n\n";
  print $scf->get_chromat(

 Finally, the connection with DBMS is discarded.


=head1 Requirements

The GD.pm, version 1.30 or higher

The gd graphics library, version 1.8.3 or higher

The PNG graphics library

The zlib compression library


If you have some opinions or find some bugs, please let me know that
via email to Linus Taejoon Kwon(See AUTHORS).

=head1 AUTHORS 

=head2 Linus Taejoon Kwon

Email linusben@bawi.org

=head2 Aaron Mackey

=head2 Lincorn Stein

=head1 Change Logs

=head2 ver 0.1 (29/JUL/2000)    

Initiation (Linus)

=head2 ver 0.2 (06/OCT/2000)	

Include init_db subroutine (Linus)
Include get_chromat_text for debugging (Linus)
Change almost all subroutine name (Linus)

=head1 Copyright

This module is open source software ; you can redistribute it and/or 
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

=head1 See Also

=head2 web-phred project


=head1 Miscellaneous

=head2 SCF-RFC

If you want to get more information about SCF file format, refer

=head2 Java Applet

There are some jave applet viewer for SCF file. One of them is
found at http://www.embl-heidelberg.de/~toldo/scf/SCF_viewer_applet.html.


package Bioinfo::SCF;

use Bioinfo::Phred::DB;

use GD;

use strict;
use vars qw($DBH_PHRED);

        use Exporter    ();
        use vars        qw($VERSION @ISA @EXPORT @EXPORT_OK %EXPORT_TAGS);

        $VERSION = do { my @r=("0.2"=~/\d+/g); sprintf "%d."."%02d"x$#r,@r }; 
        @ISA = qw(Exporter);
        @EXPORT = qw();
        @EXPORT_OK = qw($DBH_PHRED);
        %EXPORT_TAGS = ();

=head2 new

 Title   : new
 Usage   : $scf = new Bioinfo::SCF;
 Function: Construct the instance
 Returns : None.
 Args    : None.


sub new
    my ($class) = @_;
    bless {
		_file		=> $_[1],
		_header		=> $_[2],
		_sample		=> $_[3],	# number of sample
		_base		=> $_[4],	# number of bases
		_version	=> $_[5],	# version of SCF format
		_sample_size	=> $_[6],	# sample size (precision)
		_comments_size	=> $_[7],	# comments size
		_privates_size	=> $_[8],	# privates size
		_struct_sample	=> $_[9],
		_struct_base	=> $_[10],
		_comments	=> $_[11],
		_privates	=> $_[12],
	}, $class;

sub get_file		{ return $_[0]->{_file}}
sub get_header		{ return $_[0]->{_header}}
sub get_sample		{ return $_[0]->{_sample}}
sub get_base		{ return $_[0]->{_base}}
sub get_version		{ return $_[0]->{_version}}
sub get_sample_size	{ return $_[0]->{_sample_size}}
sub get_comments_size	{ return $_[0]->{_comments_size}}
sub get_privates_size	{ return $_[0]->{_privates_size}}
sub get_struct_sample	{ return $_[0]->{_struct_sample}}
sub get_struct_base	{ return $_[0]->{_struct_base}}
sub get_comments	{ return $_[0]->{_comments}}
sub get_privates	{ return $_[0]->{_privates}}

=head2 init_file

 Title   : init_file
 Usage   : $scf->init_file("test.scf");
 Function: Initialization for SCF data via file. All the SCF data is
	stored as internal parameter of module. 
 Returns : None.
 Args    : filename	SCF filename


sub init_file
    my ($self, $file) = @_;
    my $header;
    my @header_spare;
    my $tmp;

    if($file) {
	$self->{_file} = $file;
	open(FILE, $file);
	read FILE, $self->{_header}, 128;

    (  	$header->{scf}, 
        @header_spare ) = unpack "a4 NNNNNNNN a4 NNNN N18", $self->get_header;

	$self->{_sample} = $header->{sample};
	$self->{_base} = $header->{base};
	$self->{_version} = $header->{version};
	$self->{_sample_size} = $header->{sample_size};
	$self->{_comments_size} = $header->{comments_size};
	$self->{_privates_size} = $header->{privates_size};

	read FILE, $self->{_struct_sample}, ($header->{sample} * $header->{sample_size} * 4);
	read FILE, $self->{_struct_base}, ($header->{base} * 12);
	read FILE, $self->{_comments}, $header->{comments_size};
	read FILE, $self->{_privates}, $header->{privates_size};

=head2 init_db

 Title   : init_db
 Usage   : $scf->init_db(-no=>23);
 Function: Initialization for SCF data via DB. All the SCF data is
	stored as internal parameter of module. For more information
	about database integration, see example 3 above and "See Also".
 Returns : None.
 Args    : -no	    Serial Number for trace data


sub init_db
    my ($self, %param) = @_;
    my $header;
    my @header_spare;

    if($param{"-no"}) {
	my $phred_db = new Bioinfo::Phred::DB;
	my $rv = $phred_db->get_record(-no=>$param{"-no"});

	$self->{_header} = $rv->{'SCF_HEADER'};

    (  	$header->{scf}, 
        @header_spare ) = unpack "a4 NNNNNNNN a4 NNNN N18", $self->get_header;

	$self->{_sample} = $header->{sample};
	$self->{_base} = $header->{base};
	$self->{_version} = $header->{version};
	$self->{_sample_size} = $header->{sample_size};
	$self->{_comments_size} = $header->{comments_size};
	$self->{_privates_size} = $header->{privates_size};

	$self->{_struct_sample} = $rv->{'SCF_SAMPLE'};
	$self->{_struct_base} = $rv->{'SCF_BASE'};
	$self->{_comments} = $rv->{'SCF_COMMENTS'};
	$self->{_privates} = $rv->{'SCF_PRIVATES'};

=head2 get_sample_info

 Title   : get_sample_info
 Usage   : print $scf->get_sample_info->{T};
 Function: Get the trace information about each nucleic acids with
	  white space as seperator.
 Returns : hashref for each nucleic acid's trace information with 
	white space as seperator. Based on these values, the 
	chromatogram image is made.
 Args    : None.


sub get_sample_info
    my $self = shift;
    my $rv;
    my $sample = $self->get_sample;
    my $sample_size = $self->get_sample_size;
    my $struct_sample = $self->get_struct_sample;    

    my @tmp_base = ("A","C","G","T");
    if( $self->get_version < 3.0 ) {
	# For version 1.0 and 2.0
	for(my $i=0;$i<4;$i++)
	    $rv->{$tmp_base[$i]} = "";
	    my @tmp_sample;
	    for(my $j=0;$j<$sample;$j++)
		my $tmp = substr($struct_sample, ($i*$sample + $j), $sample_size);
		$tmp = unpack "H2", $tmp;
		$tmp = hex $tmp;
		$rv->{$tmp_base[$i]} .= " $tmp";

    } else {
	# For version 3.0 and over

	for(my $i=0;$i<4;$i++)
	    my @tmp_sample;
	    for(my $j=0;$j<$sample;$j++)
		my $tmp = substr($struct_sample, ($i*$sample + $j), $sample_size);
		$tmp = unpack "H2", $tmp;
		$tmp = hex $tmp;
		push(@tmp_sample, $tmp);
	    my $p_sample = 0;
	    for(my $j = 0; $j < $sample ; $j++)
		$tmp_sample[$j] += $p_sample;
		while($tmp_sample[$j] >= 256) {
		    $tmp_sample[$j] -= 256;
		$p_sample = $tmp_sample[$j];

	    $p_sample = 0;
	    for(my $j = 0; $j < $sample ; $j++)
		$tmp_sample[$j] += $p_sample;
		while($tmp_sample[$j] >= 256) {
		    $tmp_sample[$j] -= 256;
		$p_sample = $tmp_sample[$j];

	    $rv->{$tmp_base[$i]} = join(" ",@tmp_sample);

    return $rv;

=head2 get_peak_offset

 Title   : get_peak_offset
 Usage   : print $scf->get_peak_offset
 Function: Get peak offset information on SCF file
 Returns : raw peak_offset information on SCF file
 Args    : None.


sub get_peak_offset {
    my $self = shift;
    my $struct_base = $self->get_struct_base;
    my $base = $self->get_base;

    my $tmp = substr($struct_base, 0, $base*4);
    my $rv = unpack "I*", $tmp;

    return $rv;

=head2 get_base_accuracy

 Title   : get_base_accuracy
 Usage   : print $scf->get_base_accuracy->{A};
 Function: Get the base-calling accuracy information on SCF file.
	It is guaranteed for SCF ver 3.0 or higher.
 Returns : hashref for each nucleic acid's accuracy sequence with 
	white space as seperator.
 Args    : None.


sub get_base_accuracy {
    my $self = shift;
    my $rv;
    my @tmp_base = ('A','C','G','T');

    my $struct_base = $self->get_struct_base;
    my $base = $self->get_base;

    for(my $i=0;$i<4;$i++)
	my $tmp = substr($struct_base, $base*($i+4), $base);
	my @tmp_accuracy = unpack "c*", $tmp;
	$rv->{$tmp_base[$i]} = join(" ",@tmp_accuracy);

    return $rv;

=head2 get_called_base

 Title   : get_called_base
 Usage   : print $scf->get_called_base
 Function: Get the sequence information on SCF file.
 Returns : plain text for called base sequence(without white space).
 Args    : None.


sub get_called_base {
    my $self = shift;
    my $rv;

    my $struct_base = $self->get_struct_base;
    my $base = $self->get_base;

    for(my $i=0;$i<$base;$i++)
    	my $tmp = substr($struct_base, $base*8+$i, 1);
        $tmp = unpack "a", $tmp;

	$rv .= $tmp;

    return $rv;

=head2 get_reserved

 Title   : get_reserved
 Usage   : Not yet.
 Function: Get the reserved information on SCF Header
 Returns : Not yet.
 Args    : Not yet.


sub get_reserved {
   # Under Constrcution...
   # No necessary... yet...

=head2 get_comments_info

 Title   : get_comments_info
 Usage   : print $scf->get_comments_info
 Function: Get comments files on SCF file
 Returns : Raw "comments" field information
 Args    : None.


sub get_comments_info {
    my $self = shift;
    my $comments_size = $self->get_comments_size;
    my $comments = $self->get_comments;
    my $tmp = substr($comments, 0, $comments_size);
    my $rv = unpack "a*", $tmp;
    return $rv;

=head2 get_privates_info

 Title   : get_privates_info
 Usage   : print $scf->get_privates_info
 Function: Get privates files on SCF file
 Returns : Raw "privates" field information
 Args    : None.


sub get_privates_info {
    my $self = shift;
    my $privates_size = $self->get_privates_size;
    my $privates = $self->get_privates;
    my $tmp = substr($privates, 0, $privates_size);
    my $rv = unpack "a*", $tmp;
    return $rv;

=head2 get_chromat

 Title   : get_chromat
 Usage   : print $scf->get_chormat(-begin=> 5,
				  -end=> 300,
				  -pos_list=> $pos_list,
				  -position=> 125);
 Function: It provides the png image which contains the SCF chromatogram
 Returns : PNG image file.
 Args    : -begin	start position of chromatogram to be shown
	   -end		end position of chromatogram to be shown
	   -pos_list	base_calling position, seperated by white space
	   -position	specific position willing to be marked on 


sub get_chromat {
    my ($self, %param) = @_;

    # Get Sample Information
    my $sample_info = $self->get_sample_info;
    my @sample_A = split(/\s+/,$sample_info->{A});
    my @sample_C = split(/\s+/,$sample_info->{C});
    my @sample_G = split(/\s+/,$sample_info->{G});
    my @sample_T = split(/\s+/,$sample_info->{T});
    my $sample = $self->get_sample;

    # Define Image Constants
    my $set;
    if($param{'-begin'}) {
	$set->{begin} = $param{'-begin'};
    } else {
      	$set->{begin} = 0;

    if($set->{begin} < 0) {
	$set->{begin} = 0;

    if($param{'-end'} ) {
	$set->{end} = $param{'-end'};
    } else {
    	$set->{end} = $sample;

    if(($set->{end} > $sample) || ($set->{end} <= 0) ) {
	$set->{end} = $sample;

    $set->{height} = 120;
    $set->{space} = 5;
    $set->{left_margin} = 5;
    $set->{right_margin} = 5;
    $set->{top_margin} = 5;
    $set->{bottom_margin} = 37;
    $set->{label} = 10;
    $set->{width} = ($set->{end} - $set->{begin}) * $set->{space}; 
    my $pic_height = $set->{height}+$set->{top_margin}+$set->{bottom_margin};
    my $pic_width = $set->{width}+$set->{left_margin}+$set->{right_margin};
    my $bottom = $pic_height - $set->{bottom_margin};

    # If there is calling position information for each base, it will be drawn.
    my $is_pos_list = 0;
    my $idx = 1;
    my @called_base;
    my @pos;
    if($param{'-pos_list'}) {
	$is_pos_list = 1;
    	@called_base = split("",$self->get_called_base);
    	@pos = split(/\s+/,$param{'-pos_list'});
    	while($pos[$idx] < $set->{begin}) {

    # Create Image Instance
    my $im = new GD::Image($pic_width, $pic_height);

    # Allocate some colors
    my $white = $im->colorAllocate(255,255,255);
    my $black = $im->colorAllocate(0,0,0);       
    my $grey = $im->colorAllocate(204,204,204);
    my $red = $im->colorAllocate(255,0,0); 
    my $green = $im->colorAllocate(0,204,0);
    my $yellow = $im->colorAllocate(255,204,0);     
    my $blue = $im->colorAllocate(0,0,255);

    my %color;
    $color{A} = $green;
    $color{C} = $blue;
    $color{G} = $grey;
    $color{T} = $red;
    $color{N} = $yellow;

    # make the background transparent and interlaced

    # Put a black frame around the picture
    $im->filledRectangle( 0, 0, $pic_width, $pic_height, $black);

    for(my $i=$set->{begin};$i<$set->{end};$i++)
	my $new_i = $i - $set->{begin};

	# Set New Scale
	$sample_A[$i] = $sample_A[$i] * $set->{height} / 256;
	$sample_C[$i] = $sample_C[$i] * $set->{height} / 256;
	$sample_G[$i] = $sample_G[$i] * $set->{height} / 256;
	$sample_T[$i] = $sample_T[$i] * $set->{height} / 256;

       	# Position Labeling
	if($i % 20 == 0)    {
	    $im->string( gdSmallFont,
			 $new_i*$set->{space}, $bottom,
			 $i, $grey);

     	if($is_pos_list == 1 && $pos[$idx] == $i) {
	    # If two or more bases are called at the same position.
	    if( ($idx < $#pos - 1) && ($pos[$idx+1] eq $pos[$idx]) ) {

	    # Individual position check ; vertical line and labeling
	    if((defined $param{'-pos'}) && ($i eq $param{'-pos'}))

	    	$im->line(  $new_i*$set->{space}+$set->{left_margin}-1, 

	    	$im->line(  $new_i*$set->{space}+$set->{left_margin}, 

	    	$im->line(  $new_i*$set->{space}+$set->{left_margin}+1, 

	    	$im->string( gdGiantFont,
			 $new_i*$set->{space}, $bottom+15,
			 $called_base[$idx], $color{$called_base[$idx]});

	    } else {
	    	$im->line(  $new_i*$set->{space}+$set->{left_margin}, 

	    	$im->string( gdMediumBoldFont,
			 $new_i*$set->{space}, $bottom+15,
			 $called_base[$idx-1], $color{$called_base[$idx-1]});

	    # increase idx
	    if($idx < $#pos) {

	if($new_i == 0) {
	} else {
	    $im->line(	($new_i-1)*$set->{space}+$set->{left_margin},
			$bottom - $sample_A[$i], 

	    $im->line(	($new_i-1)*$set->{space}+$set->{left_margin},

	    $im->line(	($new_i-1)*$set->{space}+$set->{left_margin},

	    $im->line(	($new_i-1)*$set->{space}+$set->{left_margin},

    return $im->png;

=head2 get_chromat_text

 Title   : get_chromat_text
 Usage   : $scf->get_chormat_text(-begin=> 5,
				  -end=> 300,
				  -pos_list=> $pos_list,
				  -position=> 125);
 Function: For debugging, it provides the informations which will
	be shown on chromatogram image.
 Returns : NO. Just print out the values.
 Args    : -begin	start position of chromatogram to be shown
	   -end		end position of chromatogram to be shown
	   -pos_list	base_calling position, seperated by white space
	   -position	specific position willing to be marked on 


sub get_chromat_text {
    my ($self, %param) = @_;

    # Get Sample Information
    my $sample_info = $self->get_sample_info;
    my @sample_A = split(/\s+/,$sample_info->{A});
    my @sample_C = split(/\s+/,$sample_info->{C});
    my @sample_G = split(/\s+/,$sample_info->{G});
    my @sample_T = split(/\s+/,$sample_info->{T});
    my $sample = $self->get_sample;

    # Define Image Constants
    my $set;
    if($param{'-begin'}) {
	$set->{begin} = $param{'-begin'};
    } else {
      	$set->{begin} = 0;

    if($set->{begin} < 0) {
	$set->{begin} = 0;

    if($param{'-end'} ) {
	$set->{end} = $param{'-end'};
    } else {
    	$set->{end} = $sample;

    if(($set->{end} > $sample) || ($set->{end} <= 0) ) {
	$set->{end} = $sample;

    $set->{height} = 120;
    $set->{space} = 5;
    $set->{left_margin} = 5;
    $set->{right_margin} = 5;
    $set->{top_margin} = 5;
    $set->{bottom_margin} = 37;
    $set->{label} = 10;
    $set->{width} = ($set->{end} - $set->{begin}) * $set->{space}; 
    my $pic_height = $set->{height}+$set->{top_margin}+$set->{bottom_margin};
    my $pic_width = $set->{width}+$set->{left_margin}+$set->{right_margin};
    my $bottom = $pic_height - $set->{bottom_margin};

    print "WIDTH : $pic_width\n";
    print "HEIGHT : $pic_height\n";

    # If there is calling position information for each base, it will be drawn.
    my $is_pos_list = 0;
    my $idx = 1;
    my @called_base;
    my @pos;
    if($param{'-pos_list'}) {
	$is_pos_list = 1;
    	@called_base = split("",$self->get_called_base);
    	@pos = split(/\s+/,$param{'-pos_list'});
    	while($pos[$idx] < $set->{begin}) {

    for(my $i=$set->{begin};$i<$set->{end};$i++)
	my $new_i = $i - $set->{begin};

	# Set New Scale
	$sample_A[$i] = $sample_A[$i] * $set->{height} / 256;
	$sample_C[$i] = $sample_C[$i] * $set->{height} / 256;
	$sample_G[$i] = $sample_G[$i] * $set->{height} / 256;
	$sample_T[$i] = $sample_T[$i] * $set->{height} / 256;

       	# Position Labeling
	if($i % 20 == 0)    {
	    print "LABEL : $i <BR>\n";

     	if($is_pos_list == 1 && $pos[$idx] == $i) {
	    # If two or more bases are called at the same position.
	    if( ($idx < $#pos - 1) && ($pos[$idx+1] eq $pos[$idx]) ) {

	    # Individual position check ; vertical line and labeling
	    if((defined $param{'-pos'}) && ($i eq $param{'-pos'}))
		print "POSITION SITE : ",$new_i*$set->{space} + $set->{left_margin}, "[ $called_base[$idx-1] ]\n";

	    } else {
		print "SITE : ", $new_i*$set->{space} + $set->{left_margin}
			, "[ $called_base[$idx-1] ]\n";

	    # increase idx
	    if($idx < $#pos) {

	if($new_i == 0) {
	    print "A : Start \t";
	    print "C : Start \t";
	    print "G : Start \t";
	    print "T : Start \t";
	} else {
	    print "FROM : ",($new_i-1)*$set->{space}+$set->{left_margin},"\n";
	    print "TO : ",$new_i*$set->{space}+$set->{left_margin},"\n";
	    print "HEIGHT [ $i ] \t";
	    print "A : ", $sample_A[$i-1],":",$sample_A[$i],"\t";
	    print "C : ", $sample_C[$i-1],":",$sample_C[$i],"\t";
	    print "G : ", $sample_G[$i-1],":",$sample_G[$i],"\t";
	    print "T : ", $sample_T[$i-1],":",$sample_T[$i],"\n";

