some additions for

Chris Dagdigian
Fri, 6 Dec 1996 15:29:06 -0400

Hi All,

I've been playing around with the module as found at:
and have been experimenting with adding my own methods to it.

I'm self-taught at perl and new to OO-style programming so any comments on
the enclosed code would be welcome, particularly in making it more

Enclosed are functions for:

 o outputing GCG format sequences
 o translating RNA/DNA -> protein sequence
 o reversing a sequence
 o complementing a sequence
 o reverse-complementing a sequence
 o translating DNA->RNA

Most of the guts came from jong's molbio routines, mistakes are all mine :)

Chris Dagdigian


=head1 revcom()
# Title       : revcom
# Usage       : $reverse_complemented_seq = $mySeq->revcom;
# Function    : Returns a char string containing the reverse
#             : complement of a nucleotide object sequence
# Example     : $reverse_complemented_seq = $mySeq->revcom;
# Source      : Guts from Jong's <>
#             : library of molbio perl routines
# Note        :
#             : The letter codes and compliment translations
#             : are those proposed by IUB (Nomenclature Committee,
#             : 1985, Eur. J. Biochem. 150; 1-5) and are also
#             : used by the GCG package. The IUB/GCG letter codes
#             : for nucleotide ambiguity are compatible with
#             : EMBL, GenBank and PIR database formats but are
#             : *NOT* compatible with Stadem/Sanger ambiguity
#             : symbols. Staden/Sanger use different symbols to
#             : represent uncertainty and frame abiguity.
#             :
#             : Currently Staden/Sanger are not recognized
#             : sequence types.
#             :
#             : GCG Documentation on sequence symbols:
# URL         :
#             : /appendix_iii.html
#             :
# Translation :
#             : GCG/IUB    Meaning        Complement
#             : ------------------------------------
#             :  A            A                T
#             :  C            C                G
#             :  G            G                C
#             :  T            T                A
#             :  U            U                A
#             :  M          A or C             K
#             :  R          A or G             Y
#             :  W          A or T             W
#             :  S          C or G             S
#             :  Y          C or T             R
#             :  K          G or T             M
#             :  V        A or C or G          B
#             :  H        A or C or T          D
#             :  D        A or G or T          H
#             :  B        C or G or T          V
#             :  X      G or A or T or C       X
#             :  N      G or A or T or C       N
#             :--------------------------------------
# Revision    : 0.01 / 6 Dec 1996
# Returns     : char string
# Argument    : n/a
 sub revcom {
  my($self)= @_;

  # CD: Some type of check be made here to make
  # CD: sure the sequence is nucleotide.

  $seq = $self->{"seq"};

  # CD: If a sequence format uses different
  # CD: symbols for nucleotide ambiguity than
  # CD: GCG/IUB than this will certainly break.

  $seq =~ tr/acgtrymkswhbvdnxACGTRYMKSWHBVDNX/tgcayrkmswdvbhnxTGCAYRKMSWDVBHNX/;
  $revseq = reverse $seq;


=head1 complement
# Title       : complement
# Usage       : $complemented_seq = $mySeq->compliment;
# Function    : Returns a char string containing
#             : the complementary sequence (eg; other strand)
#             : of the original sequence. The translation method
#             : is identical to revcom() but the nucleotide order
#             : is not reversed.
#             :
# Example     :  $complemented_seq = $mySeq->complement;
#             :
# Source      : Guts from Jong's <>
#             : library of molbio perl routines
# Note        :
#             : The letter codes and complement translations
#             : are those proposed by IUB (Nomenclature Committee,
#             : 1985, Eur. J. Biochem. 150; 1-5) and are also
#             : used by the GCG package. The IUB/GCG letter codes
#             : for nucleotide ambiguity are compatible with
#             : EMBL, GenBank and PIR database formats but are
#             : *NOT* compatible with Stadem/Sanger ambiguity
#             : symbols. Staden/Sanger use different symbols to
#             : represent uncertainty and frame abiguity.
#             :
#             : Currently Staden/Sanger are not recognized
#             : sequence types.
#             :
#             : GCG Documentation on sequence symbols:
# URL         :
#             : /appendix_iii.html
#             :
# Translation :
#             : GCG/IUB    Meaning        Complement
#             : ------------------------------------
#             :  A            A                T
#             :  C            C                G
#             :  G            G                C
#             :  T            T                A
#             :  U            U                A
#             :  M          A or C             K
#             :  R          A or G             Y
#             :  W          A or T             W
#             :  S          C or G             S
#             :  Y          C or T             R
#             :  K          G or T             M
#             :  V        A or C or G          B
#             :  H        A or C or T          D
#             :  D        A or G or T          H
#             :  B        C or G or T          V
#             :  X      G or A or T or C       X
#             :  N      G or A or T or C       N
#             :--------------------------------------
#             :
# Revision    : 0.01 / 6 Dec 1996
# Returns     : char string
# Argument    : n/a
 sub complement {
  my($self)= @_;

  # CD: See notes in revcom() about checking for nucleotide sequence
  # CD: and dealing with non-GCG/IUB ambiguity symbols.

  $seq = $self->{"seq"};
  $seq =~ tr/acgtrymkswhbvdnxACGTRYMKSWHBVDNX/tgcayrkmswdvbhnxTGCAYRKMSWDVBHNX/;

 return $seq;

=head1 reverse
# Title     : reverse
# Usage     : $reversed_seq = $mySeq->reverse;
# Function  : Returns a char string containing the
#           : reverse of the object sequence
#           :
# Example   :  $reversed_seq = $mySeq->reverse;
#           :
# Revision  : 0.01 / 6 Dec 1996
# Returns   : char string
# Argument  : n/a
 sub reverse {
  my($self)= @_;

  $seq = $self->{"seq"};
  scalar reverse $seq;

=head1 outGCG()
# Title    : outGCG
# Usage    : @formatted_seq = $mySeq->layout("GCG");
# Function : Returns a GCG formatted sequence array
#          : when invoked via the layout method
#          :
# Example  :
#          :     @gcg_seq = $mySeq->layout("GCG");
#          :     foreach(@gcg_seq){print;}
#          :
#          :  The above code would produce the following output:
#          :
#          : Sample Bio::Seq sequence
#          :  sample Length: 240  Wed Nov 27 13:24:28 EST 1996  Type: N
Check: 5371
#          :
#          :        1  aaaacctatg gggtgggctc tcaagctgag accctgtgtg cacagccctc
#          :       51  tggctggtgg cagtggagac gggatnnnat gacaagcctg ggggacatga
#          :      101  ccccagagaa ggaacgggaa caggatgagt gagaggaggt tctaaattat
#          :      151  ccattagcac aggctgccag tggtccttgc ataaatgtat agagcacaca
#          :      201  ggtgggggga aagggagaga gagaagaagc cagggtataa
#          :
#          :
# Note     : GCG formatted sequences contain a "Type:" field
#          : that must be "N" or "P". Thus, the bio::seq object
#          : needs to have a SeqType that can be classified as
#          : such.
#          :
# Warning  : Unconventional numbering offsets may not
#          : be robustly handled
#          :
# Revision : 0.01 / 6 Dec 1996
# Source   : Found guts of this code on bionet.gcg, unknown author
# Returns  : Array
# Argument : n/a

 sub outGCG {
 my($self) = @_;

   ## CD: The user should also be able to pass in an arbitrary date
   ## CD: value to be used when formatting the output.
   ## CD: The user should also be able to pass in a header string and
   ## CD: maybe switches to control capitalization and line-spacing.
   ## CD: None of these would be required, but if passed in they would
   ## CD: overwrite any default behaviour.

   ## CD: Not sure how appropriate this is. `date` is not very portable
   chomp($c_t = `date`);

  $seq = $self->{"seq"};
  $id  = $self->{"id"};
  $comment = $self->{"desc"};
  $len = length($seq);
  $type = "";

  #GCG format needs to know if sequence is nucleotide or protein
  if(($self->_monomer eq "0") || ($self->_monomer eq "4")) {
  carp"Unusable SeqType, GCG format requires defined nucleotide or peptide

  # CD: The user should be able to pass in an overriding type
  # CD: of "N" or "P" to be used in the formatted output.
  # CD: I'm not sure how to get arguments to this function
  # CD: becuase it is meant to be accessed through the
  # CD: "layout" method.

  #Deal with the GCG format Type field
   if($self->_monomer eq "3") { $type="P";}
   else { if(($self->_monomer eq "1") || ($self->_monomer eq "2")) {
$type="N"; }

  # The default "N" or "P" type has been set if possible. After dealing with any
  # overiding user arguments, we can test it and carp if undefined

  # CD: [deal with user-given type here...]

  # Test $type
  unless($type eq "N" || $type eq "P") { carp "Unable to set Type: N or P for
GCG-format output."; }

  #Set the offset if we have any non-standard numbering going on
  if($self->numbering < 0)   { $offset = ( 0 + $self->numbering); }
  if($self->numbering >= 1)  { $offset = $self->numbering;}
  if($self->numbering == 0)  { $offset = -1;}

  $sum=0; #Need this to shut strict() up

  #Generate the GCG Checksum value
  for($i=0; $i<$len ;$i++) {
    $sum += $cnt * ord(substr($seq,$i,1));
    ($cnt == 57) && ($cnt=0);
  $sum %= 10000;

  #Output the sequence header info
  push(@out," $id Length: $len  $c_t  Type: $type Check: $sum  ..\n\n");

  #Format the sequence
  $len = length($seq);
  $i = $#out + 1;
  for($j = 0 ; $j < $len ; ) {
    if( $j % 50 == 0) {
      $out[$i] = sprintf("%8d  ",($j+$offset)); #numbering
    $out[$i] .= sprintf("%s",substr($seq,$j,10));
    $j += 10;
    if( $j < $len && $j % 50 != 0 ) {
      $out[$i] .= " ";
    }elsif($j % 50 == 0 ) {
      $out[$i++] .= "\n";
      #$out[$i++] = "\n";          #adds the extra blank lines in the sequence
    }                              #(user should be able to control spacing...)
  if($j % 50 != 0 ) {
    $out[$i] .= "\n";
  $out[$i] .= "\n";
} # end of sub

=head1 DNA_to_RNA()
# Title     : DNA_to_RNA
# Usage     : $translated_seq = $mySeq->DNA_to_RNA;
# Function  : Returns a char string containing the
#           : RNA translation of the DNA nucleotide sequence
#           : (Replaces T with U)
#           :
# Example   : $translated_seq = $mySeq->DNA_to_RNA;
#           :
# Source    : modified from Jong's <>
#           : library of molbio perl routines
#           :
# Revision  : 0.01 / 6 Dec 1996
# Returns   : char string
# Argument  : n/a
 sub DNA_to_RNA {

  ## CD: This is a simple substitution from T -> U
  ## CD: so we shouldnt have to do intricate error checking
  ## CD: here. Right now we only carp if the sequence is
  ## CD: explicitly an amino acid seq.

  carp "Can't translate an amino acid sequence to RNA." if($self->_monomer
eq "3");

  my($seq)  = $self->{"seq"};  # get sequence

  ##Quietly deal with capitalization
  $seq =~ s/T/U/g;             # change (T to U)
  $seq =~ s/t/u/g;             # change (t to u)

  $seq;                        # return value

=head1 translate()
# Title     : translate
# Usage     :
# Function  : Returns a char string containing the single-letter
#           : protein translation of a DNA/RNA sequence
#           :
#           : "*" is the default symbol for a stop codon
#           : "X" is the default symbol for an unknown codon
#           :
# Example   : $translation = $mySeq->translate;
#           :   -or- with user defined stop/unknown codon symbols:
#           : $translation = $mySeq->translate($stop_symbol,$unknown_symbol);
#           :
# Source    : modified from Jong's <>
#           : library of molbio perl routines
#           :
# Revision  : 0.01 / 6 Dec 1996
# Returns   : char string
# Argument  : n/a
 sub translate {
  my($self) = shift;
  my($stop,$unknown) = @_;
  my($i,$len,$output) = (0,0,'');
  my($codon)   = "";

  my($seq) = $self->{"seq"};

  ## User can pass in symbol for stop and unknown codons
  unless(defined($stop))    { $stop    = "*"; }
  unless(defined($unknown)) { $unknown = "X"; }

  ##Error if monomer is "Amino"
  carp "Can't translate an amino acid sequence." if($self->_monomer eq "3");

  #CD: Is this OK?
  #If sequence monomer is anything other than RNA, we should first pipe it
  #through DNA_to_RNA() to change any T's to U's (just in case)
  unless($self->_monomer eq "2") { $seq = $self->DNA_to_RNA;}

  for($len=length($seq),$seq =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/,$i=0; $i<($len-2) ; $i+=3) {
    $codon = substr($seq,$i,3);
    if   ($codon =~ /^UC/)     {$output .= 'S'; }       # Serine
    elsif($codon =~ /^UU[UC]/) {$output .= 'F'; }       # Phenylalanine
    elsif($codon =~ /^UU[AG]/) {$output .= 'L'; }       # Leucine
    elsif($codon =~ /^UA[UC]/) {$output .= 'Y'; }       # Tyrosine
    elsif($codon =~ /^UA[AG]/) {$output .= $stop; }     # Stop
    elsif($codon =~ /^UG[UC]/) {$output .= 'C'; }       # Cysteine
    elsif($codon =~ /^UGA/)    {$output .= $stop; }     # Stop
    elsif($codon =~ /^UGG/)    {$output .= 'W'; }       # Tryptophan
    elsif($codon =~ /^CU/)     {$output .= 'L'; }       # Leucine
    elsif($codon =~ /^CC/)     {$output .= 'P'; }       # Proline
    elsif($codon =~ /^CA[UC]/) {$output .= 'H'; }       # Histidine
    elsif($codon =~ /^CA[AG]/) {$output .= 'Q'; }       # Glutamine
    elsif($codon =~ /^CG/)     {$output .= 'R'; }       # Arginine
    elsif($codon =~ /^AU[UCA]/){$output .= 'I'; }       # Isoleucine
    elsif($codon =~ /^AUG/)    {$output .= 'M'; }       # Methionine
    elsif($codon =~ /^AC/)     {$output .= 'T'; }       # Threonine
    elsif($codon =~ /^AA[UC]/) {$output .= 'N'; }       # Asparagine
    elsif($codon =~ /^AA[AG]/) {$output .= 'K'; }       # Lysine
    elsif($codon =~ /^AG[UC]/) {$output .= 'S'; }       # Serine
    elsif($codon =~ /^AG[AG]/) {$output .= 'R'; }       # Arginine
    elsif($codon =~ /^GU/)     {$output .= 'V'; }       # Valine
    elsif($codon =~ /^GC/)     {$output .= 'A'; }       # Alanine
    elsif($codon =~ /^GA[UC]/) {$output .= 'D'; }       # Aspartic Acid
    elsif($codon =~ /^GA[AG]/) {$output .= 'E'; }       # Glutamic Acid
    elsif($codon =~ /^GG/)     {$output .= 'G'; }       # Glycine
    else {$output .= $unknown; }                        # Unknown Codon
  $output; # return string