[Biojava-l] A software project suggestion

Martin Petr martin.petr at matfyz.cz
Mon Dec 7 19:54:04 UTC 2009

Hi everybody,

I'm a computer science student currently in the last year of bachelor
studies and I'm looking for an interesting software project for my
Java course. And since I also happen to study molecular biology (I'm
just in the first semester now, so there is a long way ahead of me)
and I'm very interested in bioinformatics, I decided to ask here for

Do you have any ideas for a possible BioJava related project? Do you
miss any functionality in BioJava that I could add? I have to say that
my knowledge of bioinformatics is very vague (although I have quite a
solid background in general computer science, at least) but I guess
that shouldn't be a big problem.

I'm not talking here anything PhD level-like, not even BSc level-like,
it may be just some "boring" technical stuff that needs to be done. I
would just prefer to help and do something more useful, which really
can't be said about a zilionth clone of IRC bot or something like
that. :)

I take it as a good opportunity to learn something about BioJava
itself, since it very well may be my tool of choice when I finally get
a chance to get my hands dirty in some research! In fact, that's why I
got the idea to help BioJava in the first place.

Thanks in advance for any replies and suggestions. Have a nice day.

Martin Petr
Charles University in Prague
Czech Republic

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