[Biojava-l] (no subject)

Dr. Christoph Gille christoph.gille at charite.de
Fri Apr 8 10:37:51 EDT 2005


I am currently working  on an interface biojava <==> STRAP

First I create a GappedSequence object from a StrapProtein object.
I include all STRAP anntotations and STRAP features.
The features are subsets of the sequences with annotations like
notes, URLs, TeXshade commands, Pymol commands, Rasmol commands.

Second I create a converter the other way round.
It makes a StrapProtein from a biojava Sequence with all its annotations
and features.

Does anybody has ideas, what tool could
cooperate with STRAP using this interface ?

The STRAP plugin technology alows even larger JAVA
programs to be plugged in, simply by copying the
jar-library into a special directory.
Currently a few groups are creating plugins for STRAP.
I hope that people will benefit from the biojava interface.


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