[Biojava-l] GCC Sequence Format (again...)

Andrew Macgregor andrew@anatomy.otago.ac.nz
Wed, 16 Oct 2002 11:52:16 +1300

Hi all,

As a learning exercise and to do a bit of tinkering with BioJava I have
partially converted a copy of FastaFormat.java to GCGFormat.java. This
allows me to write out to a file in GCC sequence format from BioJava. (It's
not perfect yet though.) This is all I need it to do for the task in hand.

However, if there is interest I could work on making it read GCG files as
well and then put the result back into biojava, with these caveats:

i. This is just a learning exercise for me, so the Java might not be the
slickest you'll ever see :)

ii. I'd need some input from anyone that used it, as I have only tested it
on my own stuff. I'd also need input on writing a test for it etc.

iii. Mostly the code is just a copy/port of the bioperl GCG.pm module by
Lincoln Stein and Ewan Birney, so I'd have to check with them that is was
alright by them.

Cheers, Andrew.