[Biojava-l] getDepth() method - change required?

ntl ntl" <smh1008@cus.cam.ac.uk
Mon, 14 May 2001 23:24:19 +0100

:"Matthew Pocock" <mrp@sanger.ac.uk> said:-
> If the Graphics2D was added to SequenceRenderContext, then this
> interface becomes all the information necisary to do prety much
> everything. Normal AWT components have access to the graphics object via
> API, but our ultra-light-weight renderers don't.
> The paint methods would obviously change as you no longer need to
> explicitly pass in the Graphics2D argument.
> Do you fell confident enough to roll this change through yourself?
I don't think I'm sufficiently up to speed with the Tao of Java yet to be
confident of getting it right.  (There's still residual FORTRAN in my
bloodstream....)  I take it it isn;t adding a class variable holding the
Graphics2D object but inheriting it from a different class within the awt
hierarchy or something like that?

Could I leave this to you?

David Huen. Dept. of Genetics, Univ. of Cambridge