[Biojava-dev] biojava3-core release candidate

Andreas Prlic andreas at sdsc.edu
Tue Oct 26 02:25:06 UTC 2010

Hi Trevor,

I am not 100% sure I fully understand the implications of what you are
saying. This would make it essentially possible to release each of the
modules independently, right?  So far I always thought about the
collection of the modules making "biojava" and a release is an update
of all of them at the same time. However once 3.0 is out, in principle
there is nothing that would prevent us from releasing different
modules at different times.


On Mon, Oct 25, 2010 at 4:32 AM, PATERSON Trevor
<trevor.paterson at roslin.ed.ac.uk> wrote:
> Andreas
> They are more inconveniences than problems that come up when you don't separate the build architcture from the pom parent inheritance
> - if you come to a point where you want to use different inherited parent pom properties for some modules, but your parent pom is the 'architectural one' .... what seemd to happen was that we were ending up making a lot of release versions of the parent pom - and it seemed simpler to just have a separate pom for the parent properties - then different modules can use different versions of the parent if convenient..
>>> I think using a parent pom dependency can be a bit problematic - we usually do the same thing and run into various problems. I wonder whether it is better to separate out the modularisation architecture (directory structure) from the pom attributes that need to be inherited in the modules, and put them in a pom project at the same level as the children. The maven documentation suggests that you should then reference the parent by a relative path - but if it is itself a module in the project, that doesn't appear to be necessary..
>>to be honest, this sounds even more complicated. I set up the parent-subproject organisation is according to the recommendations from the Maven site... Not too many problems so far (sometimes in an IDE I have to do a full build/install but that seems not too bad for me)
> What sort of problems did you have with it?
> Trevor
> --
> The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
> Scotland, with registration number SC005336.

Dr. Andreas Prlic
Senior Scientist, RCSB PDB Protein Data Bank
University of California, San Diego
(+1) 858.246.0526

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